Avocado is a nutrient-rich fruit, native of American and Mexico. The delicious nutty taste and the buttery texture makes it one of the most delicious and healthiest ingredients around. Do you want to know more about the benefits of Avocado? Catch up the blog further!

Benefits of Avocado

Nutritional Profile of Avocado 

Avocados are an excellent source of nutrition for the human body. A 200g of Avocado is a source of 322 Calories, 30g fat, 4g fat, 17g carbs, and 14g fibre. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin k, folate, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. The nutrient-rich fruit is super healthy to have a space in your diet. 

Biological Background of Avocado 

Avocado (Persea Americana), popularly known as alligator pear is a fruit with greenish and yellowish flesh. The consistency of the pulp is buttery and has a nutty flavour. They are mostly used in salads. The fruit is variable in size. It was first used for domestic purposes in tropical Africa. The fruit is native to Central Africa and Mexico.

Health Benefits of Avocado 

Now that we have landed up here, let us quickly run-through the prime health benefits of avocado

1. Beneficial for Gut Health 

Avocados are a rich source of fibre. Each avocado is capable of sourcing 14 g of fibre to the body. Hence, your digestive system becomes healthy. Above all, this nutrient-rich fruit produces good bacteria to maintain a healthy gut aiding better digestion.  

2. Minimizes Risks of Heart Diseases 

Consuming an adequate amount of this super-fruit every day reduces the risks of heart diseases. Healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, and fibre play an instrumental role in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition to that, the high content of magnesium and potassium aids better blood circulation and regulates blood pressure in the body.  

3. A Powerhouse Antioxidants 

Avocados are a great source of bioactive compounds like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Carotenoids. These compounds have proven to show antioxidant. Avocados also have an association with better skin, cognitive function, and other health benefits.  

4. Helps in Weight Management 

Multiple factors influence weight, but dietary balance is a primary factor. Dietary intake loaded with fibre-rich food is known to manage healthy body weight.  

5. Super-Nutritious for New Mothers 

New mothers need a whole lot of nutrients for proper breastfeeding. Even pregnant women’s body has an immense nutrient requirement. Enjoying avocados can be a great way of vitamin and minerals intake. The hair benefits of Avocado can help pregnant women stop the hair fall. 

6. Alleviates Inflammation

A potential source of noble anti-inflammatory bioactive compounds in Avocado makes it one of the primary ingredients in the health and pharmaceutical industry. It is a great cure for the internal and external inflammation in the body.  

7. Combats chronic diseases 

The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados can prevent chronic diseases. The optimal intake of avocados can shield you from fatal diseases like stroke, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, etc. Adequate fibre intake regulates a healthy blood pressure level in the body. Avocado is also a phenomenal source of fibre.  

8. A Natural Detox 

Avocado is a natural detox and aids proper bowel movements. It maintains a healthy digestive tract and lowers the risk of constipation from colon cancer. Hence, it ultimately contributes to weight management.  

Where to buy Avocado Fruit powder from? 

Need  Avocado Fruit Powder in bulk quantities? Place your order now on  Jeeva Organic at affordable prices.


The above statements are not intended to cure any disease or comply with any health benefits. This is solely for information purposes. Please consult your doctor/health practitioner before consumption of the product. Although we take efforts to keep our website informative, we do not guarantee any medical benefits.

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